Projects: Corryong Wetlands

The Corryong Wetlands Project is still in the very early stages of development.

The vision of the project is to re-vegetate an area of land on the outskirts of Corryong. (The area is bounded by Parish Lane, Stock Route and part way to Strezleki Way.) Cemetery Creek runs through the area. The project would create a wetlands area surrounding the creek.

Even in very dry years there is some water in this creek. The granitic soil through which the creek flows has good water retaining properties which will allow ponds to be formed. The area already contains a diverse range of fauna that can only be enhanced by re-vegetation along the watercourse.

Some preliminary designs for the area can be seen below in the gallery. The project would include recreation areas, pathways, picnic tables etc.

The feasibility study for this project is still being undertaken and consultation and permissions are ongoing with the various authorities and organisations with an interest in this piece of land.

The gallery below shows images of the area being considered. There are a number of mature remnant trees - including red gum and box which would be enhanced by re-vegetation with under-story and other plantings.  The images in the galley were photographed in February and March 2019 at the end of a hot, dry summer. There is a natural spring near the fence bordering Parish Lane and the ponds shown had some water at this hot time of the year.